Cartoon Caption Contest - Spring 2009
Is there any way you could add a softener to that cement?
My family and I would sure appreciate it.
“Cartoon Caption Contest” Winner, Spring 2009!
SHEILA ZIMMERMAN of is our latest winner with the very creative caption above!Congratulations, Sheila! You will receive a special prize picked out just for you!
Honorable Mensches
Hey, you! How about a break? That’s my kid sister,
she’s just outta the kiln... -Chuck Rosenthal
Do you use that stuff on your kids? - David Douthat
Psst. Buddy- can you help me out? I gotta bad PR issue. Ya know,
something there is that doesn’t love a wall. - Craig Sheilds
Hey you! I don’t want to be placed next to any old brick. I paid extra
for a prime location out of the sun and rain! - Barbara Dowling
But I was promised this would be my place... - JimmyWeldon
Thank you everyone for participating in our game. We had fun reading your captions to pick the winner. We look forward to seeing your creativity again for our Summer contest.
All captions become the property of meskimen applied silliness, inc.
All I am is just a...nother brick in the wall!
Psst. Buddy. Can you help me out? I gotta bad PR issue. Ya know, something there is that doesn't love a wall.
Hey you! I don't want to be placed next to any old brick. I paid extra for a prime location out of the sun and rain!
hey you! I don't want to be placed next to any old brick. I paid extra from a prime location out of the sun and rain! (submitted twice as I couldn't work out how to put my name the first time!)
Hey buddy can I help you out, I hear you're one brick short of a load!
Psst...have you seen my buddy Humpty?
Hey! Don't you know the Brick Union requires he get a 15-minute break?
Uh, have you seen my 2 by 4?
Hey! Get your hands off my wife!
Well...!!! And how would YOU feel if it was one of YOUR kids?!!!!
Hey "brick layer" -- get your paws and trowel off my sister!
Oh! YOU never met an intelligent brick! Well maybe I never met an intelligent brick layer!
Hey you...!!! How about a break?!!! That's my kid sister. She's just outa the kiln!
Well, you wouldn't understand, you're not a brick are you?
I was wondering if you could fit me in somewhere - you know?
"....I'm trying, but I really can't wrap my head around what you're doing here!"
Have you ever tried talking to a brick? You know, we're good for more than getting laid.
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