Thursday, June 16, 2005

“Caption This Cartoon” Contest - June/July 2005

“Picture it wearing a ratty, fingertip, fox jacket and

a pair of club heels. It's the spitting image of your mother!”

“Cartoon Caption Contest” Winner, June/July!

Carol McDonald is our latest winner for the fine caption above!
Congratulations, Carol!
You will receive a special prize picked out just for you!
(Please send your mailing address to )

“Against their better judgement -- The studio allows real Pirates to critique Pirates of the Carribean PART VI.”
Don Reed

“Blast woman I don't care if you are a veggian... belay those complaints. I want to see the death scene of Moby Clamato.”
Graham Halky

“Do I believe it? Missy, I LIVED it!”
David Long

Well done to everybody who played!
There is no restriction on how many times you can win, so play on!
All captions become the property of meskimen applied silliness, inc.