Tuesday, February 01, 2005

“Caption This Cartoon” Contest - Feb. 2005

"...then it says to push 9 to report missing parts to The Complete Ship In a Bottle Company."

February 2005 Winner!

Congratulations to JCanuck7 , who supplied the winning caption for our Feb. 2005 cartoon.

JCanuck7, please send your mailing address to meskimen@appliedsilliness.com so that we can send you your swell prize and certificate! And you can feel free to enter and win again; there is no restriction on excellence.

There were many great captions sent for February's cartoon, but not many that acknowledged the oversized bottle, which was an important element. Here are the Honorable Mensches:

DLN said...
“It would seem Andre has met a fate similar to ours...”

knalty said...
“Dang, Chuck, the label DID say low carb. But at 7200 ounces, I'd say we've both blown our Atkins.”

Have fun! And don't think too much!

All captions become the property of Meskimen Applied Silliness, Inc.